Installing and configuring social auth Heroku on Drupal 8.
Introduction ;
Social Auth Heroku allows users to register and login to your Drupal site with their Heroku account. It is based on Social Auth and Social API projects .
In this tutorial , i will quickly go into the steps i took to install the module on my localhost Drupal installation and configure it
Installation ;
The installation process is pretty simple provided you have composer installed .
Step ; 1 ‘ Download the module using composer
Firstly , enter your command line ( in my case terminal) and head to root directory of your Drupal installation ( in my case : var/www/html )
Once there , download social auth Heroku along with all its dependencies using the following command
composer require "drupal/social_auth_heroku:~2.0"
A screenshot of my download can be found below ;

Step ;2 Install the module on Drupal
Once social auth heroku downloaded , head to to localhost installation of Drupal and install it from there

As you can see , social Auth Heroku is available for installation .
P.S ; I already had Social Api and Social Auth installed . You have to install all 3 of them .
Note ; In case you are not downloading the module with composer , ensure to download stevenmaguire/oauth2-heroku client library .Otherwise the module wont install .
To separately download this library , enter on terminal ; ( you should be in the root directory of your Drupal installation)
composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-heroku
P.S ; Having composer is required here though for this method of download.
Configuration ;
Lastly configure the module .
For that , you will need the client id and client secret . In order to obtain that , you have to create a heroku account , and create your application here
It will look as follows ;

Finally , configure the module from Drupal installation .
To do that , go to
Once there , paste the client Id and client secret , choose the settings with respect to your needs and requirements and you are good to go .

Also , i encircled the OAuth Callback URL . This is the very URL you have o enter when creating your application
Click on “save configuration” and test …
Testing ;
Optionally you can place a block to allow users to easily get directed to ;
To place the social auth heroku login block ;

You will see the heroku logo , wherever you have decided to place the block . I added it to the header section

As you can see , the heroku logo has well been added …
To verify , logout of your account ,click on the logo ,enter your Heroku credentials and you will can a screen like that ;

Click on allow , and you be directed to your site ( you can specify a particular node on your site if you want to )
YESSSS … You now know how to install and use social auth heroku …. Its very easy … isn't it
To sum up ;
This was a quick review of the steps i took to install and configure social auth heroku … I hope you enjoyed it … Thanks for your read … Have fun drupalling …