An easy way to contribute to Drupal- Create patch interdiffs
Patch interdiffs — What is it ?
In simple English , an interdiff is a file which holds all the modifications brought to a particular patch .
For instance if patch 1 contains “hello” and patch 2 contains “hello world”, the interdiff will show that the word “ world “has been added . In short, it is used to show the differences between 2 versions of a patch — one older and the other one newer .
P.S ; The above given example of “hello world” is an oversimplified example and might not necessarily be the most appropriate one .Patches usually holds coding stuff.
How to create patch interdiffs ?
While such might be done using Git , Dorgflow and other ways listed here , this tutorial will focus on the use of patchutils which i personally used to create an interdiff
Step ;1 ; Install patchutils
Install patchutils by running the following command in your Ubuntu terminal
sudo apt-get install patchutils

Step ; 2 ; Look for an issue to create a patch interdiff for
You might have a look at the issues here. I have personally chose an issue with issue id 2869592–25 and 2869592–24.
Drupal core issue I chose .

Step ; 3 ;Download patches
Download your patches using wget link to your patch

Step ; 4 ; Create your interdiff
You can create your interdiff by using the following command provided you have patchutils installed . This will create the interdiff in the location you are currently in … mine is the “inter” directory as you can see on the screenshots … The interdiff is now there

interdiff 2869592-25.patch 2869592-24.patch > interdiff-25_and_24.txtinterdiff 2869592-25.patch 2869592-24.patch > name_of_your_ inderdiff.txt

Step ; 5 ; Check the contents of your patch
To do so run
cat "name of your interdiff text"cat interdiff-25_and_24.txt
Step ; 6 ; Upload your patch
To do so , go to your selected issue , and post a comment containing contents of your patch along with your patch uploaded
P.S ;It is the usual practice to put the content of the interdiff file as comment as shown below ;

As you could see ,the patch is uploaded …
Link to my patch
If you have reached there ,then congrats on creating and uploading your first ever Drupal interdiff patch.
To sum up ;
By creating and uploading my first ever Drupal interdiff patch , i have not only learned a new thing but equally learned a new simple way to contribute to Drupal … This is wonderful … On that ,have fun Drupalling guys …